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Act's of Kindness

Posted on 8:52 PM
Today I was on Facebook and seen a post that almost brought tears to my eyes. After Hurricane Irene some of our beaches and other towns have been devastated. Stuff like this really tugs on my heart strings because there is nothing you can do to stop mother nature. Some have lost so much and I know how hard it is to earn your living and to have a home ruined or severely damaged is heart breaking. Not to mention that many people have no power and in some places roads were washed away and are impassable, their connection to the outside world lost. So many different scenarios all very sad.

So back to the Facebook thing... I noticed that a local bed and breakfast had offered to take in locals for FREE!!! The actual post from Facebook said..

"Any Hatteras local who has taken damage and needs a safe place to stay for a few days, call or stop by the Inn on Pamlico Sound in Buxton. We have steady electricity from our generator. You can bring food and drink to share with everyone else holded up here. We also have showers, phone, and internet for any local who needs it. There is no charge."

AMAZING!!! In today's world you very seldom see such an act of kindness. This made my day and made me smile. Just thinking about how these people who probably haven't had a shower or been able to jump on the internet have a place they can go for some normal daily comfort. The things we are sitting at home taking for granted right now!

Not that my blog gets a ton of views, but I do want to send a shout out to this gracious business. If you are looking for a nice place to vacation in the future maybe you can try this place out... It is obviously that this place cares for the people in their community and their welfare :)


May everyone struggling during this time find some act of kindness from a stranger. Bless you all and know better days are ahead!

You know your getting old...

Posted on 8:49 PM
when you go out to a bar and everything gets on your nerves...

Last night we went out to a local bar for a few drinks to celebrate Matt's 21st birthday. At this bar they have a live band every Saturday night and years ago Mark and I would go here quiet often for dinner and just to hang out. So after being there for about 3 hours I had all I could take. I noticed I was looking around and saw people we had known over the years and I seen people that I consider "no gooders" and came to the conclusion that I know why we stick around the house so much...LOL

1. The bar is too packed!!!

2. People are rude and act stupid

3. It took me 30 minutes to manoeuvre through the people to get to the bathroom and then had to wait in there for another 15 minutes while people were having conversations in the stall....UGH!!!! Really I almost peed myself twice!!!

4. It's so loud

5. People walk around like they are some major celebrity even when they are 60 with a mullet dirty jeans and a cut off shirt (loser alert)

6. Women please....no one wants to see your panties, if you plan to go out somewhere and proceed to bend over please wear something that covers your REAR END (gross)

7. I don't consider it a fun experience to go somewhere where I can't get a drink within 20 minutes. If you run an establishment that is packed, please have more than 5 people working...just saying!

8. What is the point of paying 2.75 for a beer, 7.00 for a shot or 10.00 for a liquor drink? Seriously...you can sit at home invite some friends over and turn on the radio and save yourself a LOT of money :)

So that is what I took from last night. I think that will cover my bar outings for the year. I think my place is right here... I have no patience for idiots and that seems to be the only people they let out in public these days (LOL)