There is nothing better than the country in the spring. Well I think every season is best in the country, but spring is my favorite time of year.

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Beautiful, today I came home to see my first day Lilly had bloomed. My favorite flower and I have a small flower bed full of them, can't wait until they all bloom. I have been talking about the garden and just to get an idea of how we do it out here in the back woods I took a picture of the whole garden today. Sometimes I don't think people understand that this is a real garden! It kinda looks like a pile of dirt since we can't get any rain!!!! We plant pretty much everything from seeds so some have not sprouted at all and others are barley poking out of the ground. Please BRING ON THE RAIN...our little corn stalks are trying to burn up already :(

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You still can't see the whole garden with that tree blocking it

Can't find a garden like that in the city :) So it's the time of year where everyone is breaking out the pig cookers and grills and just enjoying the nice weather. A warm evening where everyone can hang out side and enjoy a beverage, play corn hole, reminisce on old times, and just enjoy each others company...I LOVE it!

So I was talking about the pool yesterday. Here is a picture of our disaster.

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So we are going to try one thing with the filter, and if that don't work we are heading to the pool supply place this weekend. Ugh, I can already hear the wind blowing away my budget for the month...

How about a RANT?

I can't help myself, I haven't been mean lately...LOL For some reason I just have this on my mind so I am just going to throw it out there. I can't help but notice every time I go to the grocery store and other stores there are always people standing outside wanting money for something. It's a church group, girl/boy scouts, sports teams and a million different organizations. Seriously not to be rude but it really gets on my nerves. I buy girl scout cookies every year (a ton of them) and I hate to be attacked every time I leave a store to buy cookies when I have 10 boxes sitting at home. Saturday I was at Sams Club getting my pool chemicals I walk out the door to someone standing right in my face wanting to know if I will donate money to needy families. Who are these people? I say "no" and they look at me like I am the most awful person in the whole world. Ughhh, I just wanted to go on a rant, but I politely walked away. So here are my reasons. First of all these people don't know me, I could be in dire financial straights. I'm not but the point is why can't they just sit at a table and let you approach them? Secondly, I have no idea who these people are with and what type of families this money goes to. We give money to organizations, I donate food to the food bank, I donate clothes to goodwill, and I support school fundraisers. Not to mention my husband is a active Mason which supports the orphanage. We are not bad people! Yet this random person looks at me like I am the scum of the earth for not giving them a dollar...give me a break! The biggest problem is the fact that I get so TIRED of people begging for something ALL the time!!!! Hello...I go to the grocery store and the people in front of me buy $200 worth of groceries with food stamps and I just happen to be parked beside them and see they are loading them up into a new model Tahoe. What the heck? It's the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. Yet my mother who is a single parent and works 3 jobs can't even get a dollar of food stamps. Sometimes people are "needy" because they are LAZY and thinks the government should pay them to sit at home on their butt, while the rest of us go out and work for a living. Sorry, if that's the "needy" folks you are helping they can keep being needy.

I don't feel like giving my hard earned money to people who think they are too good to work at McDonalds and think that I owe them a hand out. My little bit of left over money will go to buying some groceries for my mom or helping her with some monthly expenses!!!! Don't get me wrong, I know their are good people out there who have had bad things happen and need help. As a matter of fact that was my Mom a few years ago, and you know who helped her? NO ONE, but Mark and I. Exactly my point to these people begging for my money every time I leave a freaking store!!!!

To be brutally honest, I get tired of everyone complaining about money. I often feel like people are giving me a guilt trip because they don't have money for something. They want my sympathy because they are broke. Well let me see here... People complain about not being able to pay their bills, but they go out and buy new cars or constantly go shopping for clothes or whatever. Sometimes I just want to scream out that it's your own fault! Stop wasting money all the time and you could pay your bills. If you didn't have that $400 a month car payment you could pay your bills. Duh! I want a new car, but guess what I don't want a car payment every month or to have to pay more money for insurance and taxes.

I can pay my bills every month. I can do this because when I want something I save my money to buy it and don't just take out a credit card. I can do this because I put a decent amount of money in my savings account when I get paid every other week. No debt besides our home. We live within our means and we manage our money. When you see me splurge on something, it's because I have spent months or years saving to be able to. No pity from sorry!

Oh and I already know the statement that comes next "I don't have any extra money to save from my pay check". I agree that some people don't have extra money to save. I know for a fact it takes everything my mom has to pay her bills and it is very little left for the monthly expenses. That will change for her one day though...she does have a car payment because she had no money and had no car when she came to live with us several years ago. Actually my mom does save money in the summer when she works an extra job. I think it is ok to not be able to save money if you are trying to pay off debt. A few years ago we were not saving money because we were paying every extra penny to our debts and I was trying to pay my car off early. I paid my car off almost 2 years early because I worked hard to do so. You can always save a little bit even $20 is something. All I ask of people is before you beg or put a guilt trip on someone, look at what has caused you to get this way. If you are driving around in a car that isn't paid for or wasting money on needless items you have no reason to ask for pity. If something happened and Mark and I faced a budget crisis I could tell you the first things we would let go of... Cell phones, house phone, gym membership, Direct TV, Internet... if I had trouble paying the bills I could drop $350 off our budget in an instant on things that are NOT necessary. I think people today have no sense of what is a "need" and a "want". Get a clue!

So now that you all probably think I am a horrible person I will just shut up. I can't help myself sometimes. I know I am not the only person in the world who thinks like this. Well hump day is coming to a end now, so we can all start to look forward to the weekend :) YAY!!!!