I apologize for my lack of blogging recently. Making time to work out in my busy life has taken away my blog time. This post will be short, because it's almost 12:00, I am tired and actually I am just waiting for a load of laundry to finish :)
It's been a rough week and a half for several reasons. We have lost 2 of our puppies in the past week to Parvo. We have been working out but off trying to keep the last two well. My evenings have consisted of force feeding and watering the last two pups and keeping a watchful eye on them. Right now we feel pretty sure our male will make it, he is quiet healthy. The last female is touch and go...she is weak but still making it, we are keeping our fingers crossed she is going to pull through. They have had two rounds of their shots but they could have been exposed before the shots entered their immune system so it was a losing battle. I have been so upset about it, but we have done all the right things and it's not in our hands. So everyone keep their fingers crossed for the two remaining pups they are definitely fighters!
Other than that the garden, pool and yard work have been keeping us busy. Today was grass cutting day, garden picking day and weeding the flower bed day. I am exhausted!!!
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My picks from the garden today...yum!
I noticed in the garden today that we have lots of new plants flowering. I noticed tons of tiny string beans and the butter beans are flowering. All I know is that is going to equal a TON of picking and a TON of shelling...not to excited about that part! We also have cantaloupe starting to bloom and I am thinking by the end of next week I will have tomato's and cucumbers ready to pick. I foresee a lot more work in the garden in my near future...I will let you know how I feel about that later (LOL)
The pool is crystal clear :) Too bad Mark and I spend to much time working to enjoy it :( I look at the pool every day and want swim so bad, but there are just not enough hours in the day. For example this evening I never set foot in the house until 7:30 this evening. By the time I cooked dinner I had to get outside to walk before I ran out of day light. It never ends!!!!
The diet and exercise thing is going great :) I think I have lost 3 pounds. I have not been in the gym but 1 day this week, but I have walked/jogged at least 4 miles every day. So it's good...just time consuming. I haven't had any type of fast food in 2 weeks now, and it is killing me!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss my Big Mac :( It's hard to cut out fast food, but I am managing. I had got away from eating a good healthy meal with veggies so now I eat veggies or starve. I eat the veggies...LOL I wish I could wake up tomorrow and have 10 lbs magically disappear, but that's not going to happen. Working out, eating less, eating well...too bad the results are not immediate, but I am going to keep going strong for the next month and see what happens.
Well folks that's it for now. The load of laundry is done and bed is calling my name. I have a busy weekend ahead. House work has to get finished up tomorrow night, because we are cooking out for a friends birthday this weekend and I am sure we will be eating at Marks parents house Sunday for fathers day. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend :)
It's been a rough week and a half for several reasons. We have lost 2 of our puppies in the past week to Parvo. We have been working out but off trying to keep the last two well. My evenings have consisted of force feeding and watering the last two pups and keeping a watchful eye on them. Right now we feel pretty sure our male will make it, he is quiet healthy. The last female is touch and go...she is weak but still making it, we are keeping our fingers crossed she is going to pull through. They have had two rounds of their shots but they could have been exposed before the shots entered their immune system so it was a losing battle. I have been so upset about it, but we have done all the right things and it's not in our hands. So everyone keep their fingers crossed for the two remaining pups they are definitely fighters!
Other than that the garden, pool and yard work have been keeping us busy. Today was grass cutting day, garden picking day and weeding the flower bed day. I am exhausted!!!
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My picks from the garden today...yum!
I noticed in the garden today that we have lots of new plants flowering. I noticed tons of tiny string beans and the butter beans are flowering. All I know is that is going to equal a TON of picking and a TON of shelling...not to excited about that part! We also have cantaloupe starting to bloom and I am thinking by the end of next week I will have tomato's and cucumbers ready to pick. I foresee a lot more work in the garden in my near future...I will let you know how I feel about that later (LOL)
The pool is crystal clear :) Too bad Mark and I spend to much time working to enjoy it :( I look at the pool every day and want swim so bad, but there are just not enough hours in the day. For example this evening I never set foot in the house until 7:30 this evening. By the time I cooked dinner I had to get outside to walk before I ran out of day light. It never ends!!!!
The diet and exercise thing is going great :) I think I have lost 3 pounds. I have not been in the gym but 1 day this week, but I have walked/jogged at least 4 miles every day. So it's good...just time consuming. I haven't had any type of fast food in 2 weeks now, and it is killing me!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss my Big Mac :( It's hard to cut out fast food, but I am managing. I had got away from eating a good healthy meal with veggies so now I eat veggies or starve. I eat the veggies...LOL I wish I could wake up tomorrow and have 10 lbs magically disappear, but that's not going to happen. Working out, eating less, eating well...too bad the results are not immediate, but I am going to keep going strong for the next month and see what happens.
Well folks that's it for now. The load of laundry is done and bed is calling my name. I have a busy weekend ahead. House work has to get finished up tomorrow night, because we are cooking out for a friends birthday this weekend and I am sure we will be eating at Marks parents house Sunday for fathers day. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend :)
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