When you really think about it, there is not much time in a day.  Especially a week day.  By the time you work, and get home how much time do you really have left?  For me it I guess it's about 6 hours (5-11).  I think it's crazy that we spend the majority of our days working and sleeping...it's sad  :( 

So how can you manage to get things done in this measly 6 hours?  Well if your me this is what it turns into...cooking dinner, cleaning, trying to get in exercise and some relaxation.  6 hours may seem like a good amount of time, but really it is never enough.  Everyday I feel like I don't get enough accomplished.  Like most people I am tired when I get off work and who feels like doing all this stuff once they have worked all day.  Still day after day I have to put in the effort.

This week I have been having a tough time.  Since tax season is here I spent one night doing our taxes, last night I started on my sisters taxes and tonight I finished them.  I have managed to cook dinner every night this week, but the exercise has fell to the wayside.  I managed to get 20 minutes in on my bike today (WOW)...it's something I guess.  I look at the clock and now it's 10:00!!!  I still need to go clean up from dinner and pick up the living room and of course I have to watch my favorite show Revenge.

It's crazy how much we are expected or need to get done in a days time....at least for us folks who have to work a job every day!