Oh me, facebook has been flooded with every one's comments on health care today. I have done my best to keep my mouth closed, but I guess I will just talk about it here before I explode. I have not read the health care bill, but I suspect no one that I see commenting on it has either so I will consider all of us on a even playing field.

I will admit two things. Yes, I am registered as a democrat, but this does not influence my vote in any election. If I feel a Republican candidate better represents my personal welfare then I would vote for them.

I see all these folks commenting on health care and whatever else, I wonder if they voted in the election? If they didn't then I don't feel they have the right to complain. Voting is a civic duty and every vote counts, if you are too lazy to vote then you should probably just stop complaining because your missed vote could be part of the reason your agenda is not being met. Regardless you can't expect any elected official to do all the things they say they will do, if you believe they will you are an idiot! One person can not pass anything so really you are voting for someone who will "try" to do the things they say.

So my thoughts on the health care bill... Well personally I believe it is a step in the right direction. It will have to be tweaked over time, but I think there are several good things about this bill. Most of the people I see who have a negative feeling towards this bill either don't pay for health insurance currently or are covered under HMO plans. Just for the record, I have HMO. So the people who don't have insurance or want it don't like this bill because they will be forced to get coverage or pay a fine. I actually totally agree with this. Think of all the people who don't have health insurance that flood our emergency rooms because they have to pay up front at a doctors office. People who actually have emergencies have to wait in line behind Joe Brown and his runny nose. I guarantee several of these people will never pay the hospital bill, which makes the hospital pass unpaid balances onto us people with insurance. I am know they wont admit this, but I am sure it happens. So in the end we end up paying for uninsured Americans...

People with pre-existing conditions. The best part of this bill in my opinion. I have very bad asthma, if it wasn't for insurance through my employer I would be denied coverage or my rates would be higher than my pay, trust me I have checked in the past. I think everyone should be able to have health insurance. I can't help that I was born with asthma. However insurance companies feel they should be able to deny me coverage because I am not 100% healthy. They don't want to insure me because they know my condition cost them money. I had a friend that had private insurance, their son had a bad fall and the hospital done a cat scan to make sure everything was ok, less than a month later they were dropped from their policy. We pay for insurance so that when something happens we are covered, yet when something does happen they want to kick us to the curb. It's not fair, but now this will not be able to happen.

Today in America every person with no insurance or private insurance runs the risk of losing everything they have in the event of a big medical problem. This does not apply to only older people. I know people in their early 20's who have developed cervical cancer or been in bad accidents. You will never be able to pay off your medical expenses if something bad happens. The family we bought our house from was in this situation. No health insurance, the husband had a heart attack and they were fixing to lose this house. We came in bought the house for their payoff. They lost their home over a unplanned medical need. It's sad but it happens every single day. If we didn't buy this house in 3 months they would have faced a foreclosure.

I also believe that in some cases having health insurance saves lives. I think it is a proven fact that people with insurance are more likely to go to the doctor. I also think people who have insurance are more likely to have a doctor that they see on a regular basis opposed to seeing whatever doctor is available at the time. Seeing the same doctor regularly helps to make sure any problems are caught early. They have all your medical history and know your family medical history which makes it easier to catch or watch potential problems. If you skip around doctors you will be less likely to tell them what problems you are having and they will be less likely to catch something problematic.

In the end I have no idea what impact this bill will have on each person, but I think there are several measures to protect us against money hungry insurance companies. I think it will help lots of Americans, even the ones who don't realize how important it is to have insurance. Yes I am sure it will cost us in tax increases over the years, but I can accept that. I will be happy knowing that if there was ever a time when I couldn't get insurance through my employer I will be able to find coverage and not be denied. I don't see everyone complaining about having tax increases for wasteful government spending or bank bail out money! Maybe instead of fighting something that will probably help millions of people in years to come you should have put more effort in butting heads with something that cost us money yet does nothing for us!

All of this is my opinion. I know a lot of people don't agree. That's ok with me! The only difference is I can actually state reasons for my opinion, while others trash the bill without valid reasons for doing so. Just my two cents :)