So my Monday goes a little like this...

Stressful day at work and BUSY (nothing new)

Got off work had a ton to do at home but decided to go hunting since I didn't get to Saturday. Went hunting sat in the woods for 3 hours... I did see a deer, and I did shoot at it, but I missed (my luck) Then I have to be interrogated by Mark as to why I missed the deer ((eyes rolling)) Finally get home @ 7:30

Luckily I didn't have to worry about dinner since we had leftovers (Thank Goodness)

But....I did have to worry about the 5 loads of laundry I didn't get to this weekend, and Marks uniform since he has a game tomorrow :( At this point 2 loads are folded, a load is in the dryer, a small load waiting to go in the dryer and a load washing. No big deal, it's not like I have a job to go to tomorrow...SIKE! During the few minutes of down time I decided to start cleaning the spare bedroom that has been ravaged by hunting season and any other junk. So I manged to get the closet organized and pack a bag of stuff to take to goodwill. Get all the junk off the bed, put Mark's over sized bow case away and folded all the hunting clothes that were piled all over the floor. I know it doesn't sound like much, but I worked in there for a little over an hour. More work is needed, but it is an improvement! More junk to be carted off later!!!

Mark is in the bed sleeping... I am writing this blog and waiting on laundry. Oh and since nothing got put away from our dinner I guess I will be cleaning the kitchen, putting everything away and loading the dishwasher before bed. Hmmmm, and then Mark wonders why I don't want to get up in the morning. I have no clue...LOL

Oh, there's my cue....the dryer just started buzzing. Back to work for me so I can hopefully get in the bed by 12:30. Gezz sometimes working full time all day and being a wife, cleaner and picker upper is stressful.