That yucky crud has finally found me....BOO! I don't how I managed to make it through the day at work, but I did. I wanted to go home early but that didn't happen. It's hard to deal with customers when you feel so bad, I found myself really wanting to beat my head into the wall several times today.

So since I made it through work, I decided to try to keep to my schedule and go grocery shopping today...bad idea. It's super doubles at Harris Teeter and a Mega Event at Kroger. Let's just say I made it to Harris Teeter and that's all I could do, i had to come back home. So hopefully I will be able to do the rest of my shopping this weekend.

Super Doubles :)

Spent $23.50 and Saved $48.96

So just for giggles I went online to Lowe's Food to see how much this stuff would have cost me if I went shopping there today. The same items with my coupons would have cost $45.04!!! That's $21.54 more. I would love to see how much these items would have cost at Wal-Mart or Food Lion.

Well that is it for today. I don't have the energy to look at the computer any longer. Hopefully I will be feeling better really soon because I HATE being sick. Nothing gets done and stuff is piling up for me :(