I don't know! I have just not been very productive lately, I don't know what my deal is... I mean don't get me wrong, stuff has been done, but there are a few things I need to do that I just can't seem to start on.

#1: My appeal letter to the insurance company about covering my prescriptions. I have the letter from my doctor, but for some reason I have yet to write mine.

#2: Keeping up with the checking accounts....maybe this one is because I know I am broke (LOL)

#3: EXERCISE...yikes! I have been slack (in my opinion). FYI...didn't go to Zumba Saturday because it was pouring rain. That means 3 days this week with no exercise (tisk tisk)

#4: Meal Planning. Another thing I have been wanting to accomplish. I really wanted to start planning out our meals in advance (like 2 weeks). I think it will help me with my grocery shopping and cutting grocery expenses even more. First I need to check into my meat stock and go from there...why can't I get my motivation???

There is some good that I should be happy about :)

My house is spotless!

I cleaned the inside of my car out!

I made dip and cookies for Mark :)

Back to work tomorrow. It's a short week for me. My sister is coming home Friday and I am going to get her from the airport. Don't tell her, but I have kinda missed her not being around. Not that I go see her all the time, but if I want to I can, and I think it's the fact that I can't see her that makes me miss her. Love my sis!