where I have been for the past few days. Well let me start with Wednesday. Wednesday I started feeling bad, but I made it through the day at work. Thursday still feeling bad and had to go home after lunch. My symptoms were sore throat, stopped up then runny nose, nauseated, coughing and my ears were hurting. I was thinking probably allergies or some type of sinus mess. Friday morning I could barely get out of bed. Friday was a stressful day. I was going to try to go into work for a few minutes to take care of a few things, but when I got in my car it wouldn't crank. We finally got the car to crank, but it sounded like the motor was going to pop out of the car...what in the world? So we knew my car was not drivable. So I was planning to go to the doctor since I was feeling so bad, so Mark had to call out of work because I needed something to drive and with one car broke down that only left his truck. So we called the local shop in town and Mark and I went to attempt to get my car there. Not an easy task since the car kept cutting off. We finally made it to the shop and left my car. So a little later off to the doctor I went.

Terrible news...I have the FLU!!! First of all if you have never had the test for the Flu it is awful!!!! Basically they take this think that has brushes on the end of it and is on a stick and shove it up your nose and roll it all around. It only takes a few seconds but it seems like forever....it is the worst feeling I have ever experienced. I have a high pain threshold and it made me cry :( I didn't understand why they were doing this since I had my Flu shot almost 3 weeks ago. They come back in the room and believe it or not I have the Flu. I asked them how since I had my shot and they told me it can take up to 3 weeks for it to kick in and that I must have been exposed to the Flu before my body had built up an immunity to it. So for the past several days I have been so sick. Today has actually been the worse of all the days. My head hurt so bad I was in tears! I have been able to do nothing since last Wednesday because every time I get off the couch to go to the bathroom or even get something to drink I feel bad and have to hurry back to the couch to lay back down. My whole body hurts and my butt is numb from sitting/laying on it for several days. It's hard for me to be like this because I am very active....exercising, cleaning or out and about and I have just been on the couch for 4 days now. (HELP ME) So that is where I have been.

Now on to my car situation. I have a 2003 Honda Accord, that I bought brand new in February of 2003 and it has 148,000 miles on it. Last Wednesday my engine light came on and we took it to the shop that day. It was a camshaft sensor, since those lights can come on with there not being a problem the mechanic cleared the code and said if it came back on we would put in a new sensor. Wednesday afternoon and Thursday the car was fine. Friday brought on the problem I told you about earlier in the post. They changed the sensor, and yet my car was still cutting off. So they worked on finding a problem Friday with nothing by the time they closed. Hopefully tomorrow they will be able to let us know what is going on. All I know is the car is not firing on all the cylinders and it wasn't pulling up any other codes so it is a trail and error thing, but it is pretty obvious at this point it is some type of engine problem...NOT GOOD! So, I am kinda ill about this situation. This car is in great condition and has always had all the maintenance done so I shouldn't be having a major problem with a HONDA at 148,000 miles!!!! So I am going to bite my tongue on this situation until I know what the problem is, but if it is something serious I will definitely have a not so nice post about the situation....stay tuned!

Ok everyone, I have to go...sitting up to type this post has wore me out. Please say a prayer for my speedy recovery from this Flu. Have a great week!!!