Ok...so I lied! I am going to go ahead and catch up on my challenge days :)
Day # 10
A picture of the person you do the most crazy stuff with...

Amanda & Me
So I don't do too much crazy stuff these days...I am more of the responsible type. Back in my early 20's Amanda and I were like peas & carrots :) We did EVERYTHING together! This picture is a few years old and was taken at work on Christmas Eve if you are wondering about my green and red attire...LOL
In our 20's we did so many crazy things... We use to take Amanda's moms car and stalk people (facebook would have been useful back then), we used her car so no one would recognize us (ha ha) We would go anywhere at the drop of a dime, and all those trips lead to some crazy times that we still laugh about today. We went to the clubs, we went to parties, the beach, amusement parks...if it was fun we were there!!! We spent nights gossiping, laughing and eating Ruffles and Deans Dip...we cried together, and always had each others back no matter what! I am so thankful that I have been friends with Amanda for the past 10 years! We have been through a lot together and I don't know what I would have done without her :) She was the person who MADE me get on a roller coaster even though I was scared to death...and guess what? After that I loved them!!! Ahhhh...all the memories! We sure were knew how to have a good time, back in the day!
Day # 11
Something you hate!
I hate laundry soooo much :( I always do laundry on Thursday night which leaves me up until about 12:30 at night...ugh! Why do I hate it so much?
1~ you have to separate it, if you have a husband like mine you probably have to pull shirts apart (he wears 2 and just takes them off together)
2~ take it to the laundry room and put it in the washer
3~ wait for it to finish washing then load it in the dryer (or hang dry for some items) and then start washing the next load (this over and over until all loads are finished)
4~ take it out and fold everything (for socks you have to match them up which I HATE the most!!!!) or put clothes on hangers
5~ put all the clothes away
It doesn't sound like a lot of work but everyone knows laundry sucks!!! If they ever make a washer and dryer that can transfer laundry from one to the other and fold it for me I would buy it in a heart beat!!!!
Laundry gets two thumbs down from me :)
Day # 10
A picture of the person you do the most crazy stuff with...

Amanda & Me
So I don't do too much crazy stuff these days...I am more of the responsible type. Back in my early 20's Amanda and I were like peas & carrots :) We did EVERYTHING together! This picture is a few years old and was taken at work on Christmas Eve if you are wondering about my green and red attire...LOL
In our 20's we did so many crazy things... We use to take Amanda's moms car and stalk people (facebook would have been useful back then), we used her car so no one would recognize us (ha ha) We would go anywhere at the drop of a dime, and all those trips lead to some crazy times that we still laugh about today. We went to the clubs, we went to parties, the beach, amusement parks...if it was fun we were there!!! We spent nights gossiping, laughing and eating Ruffles and Deans Dip...we cried together, and always had each others back no matter what! I am so thankful that I have been friends with Amanda for the past 10 years! We have been through a lot together and I don't know what I would have done without her :) She was the person who MADE me get on a roller coaster even though I was scared to death...and guess what? After that I loved them!!! Ahhhh...all the memories! We sure were knew how to have a good time, back in the day!
Day # 11
Something you hate!
I hate laundry soooo much :( I always do laundry on Thursday night which leaves me up until about 12:30 at night...ugh! Why do I hate it so much?
1~ you have to separate it, if you have a husband like mine you probably have to pull shirts apart (he wears 2 and just takes them off together)
2~ take it to the laundry room and put it in the washer
3~ wait for it to finish washing then load it in the dryer (or hang dry for some items) and then start washing the next load (this over and over until all loads are finished)
4~ take it out and fold everything (for socks you have to match them up which I HATE the most!!!!) or put clothes on hangers
5~ put all the clothes away
It doesn't sound like a lot of work but everyone knows laundry sucks!!! If they ever make a washer and dryer that can transfer laundry from one to the other and fold it for me I would buy it in a heart beat!!!!
Laundry gets two thumbs down from me :)
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