A picture of your favorite artist or band...

Matchbox Twenty :)
Maybe not so popular now, but the best CD I ever owned was their "Yourself or someone like you" album. I still listen to it today :) I am surprised it still works being that I have had it since 1997!!! This CD was my road trip favorite, I could pop it in roll the windows down and sing my heart out. It always made me feel better on bad days, or made me feel free on good days. Love Love Love that CD so much. How many CD's are actually still worthy of listening to after 14 years? I can't think of very many.

Matchbox Twenty :)
Maybe not so popular now, but the best CD I ever owned was their "Yourself or someone like you" album. I still listen to it today :) I am surprised it still works being that I have had it since 1997!!! This CD was my road trip favorite, I could pop it in roll the windows down and sing my heart out. It always made me feel better on bad days, or made me feel free on good days. Love Love Love that CD so much. How many CD's are actually still worthy of listening to after 14 years? I can't think of very many.
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