Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Posted on 10:34 PM
I just realized that I haven't made my list of things to be thankful for lately. Since my last post was kinda blah, I figured I will do my list for the week :)

I am thankful for...

~~~> A wonderful husband who is always on my side and loves me no matter what

~~~> Knowing that even though I have a dark could hanging over my head things always get better

~~~> A family who is always there when I need them

~~~> Knowing that Winston will have a truck when he get's his license

~~~> The much need rain we got this evening

~~~> The fact that on the last day of rabbit season all the new hunting puppies were running with the old dogs all on thier own (which made Mark so happy)

~~~> The new Harris Teeter store that opened up a little closer to home (even though I haven't had the chance to shop there yet)

~~~> That the FLU has left my body and that I am starting to feel better

~~~> That the storms didn't knock out the Direct TV during my favorite shows


Scatter Brain

Posted on 9:16 PM
I think I am at the point of border line insanity!!! It's really great to be feeling better but this prednisone is making me crazy :0 If anything it keeps you awake (even though I am so tired), it makes you eat everything in sight (I think I have gained 5 lbs from being sick) and it makes you body swell....ugh I feel like I am a big fat sleepless PIG right now!!!!!!! It's like my brain and my body are on two different pages and I just can't get it together. I am exhausted, but this medicine just wont let me SLEEP...I need sleep! I wanted to exercise tonight, but I just don't have the energy to do it. I did manage to come home and get most of my cleaning done, but other than that today has been a bust.

On top of this medicine making me crazy it just seems like so many other things going on. My car situation is still driving me nuts. I just want my car back, I just want to know how much it is going to cost, and I just want to be able to manage the fiances. It's hard to do that when you have such a large (sorta unknown) expense looming over your head, it's just frustrating. Having to drive Mark's truck back and forth to work with these gas prices is really hitting the pocket book hard. Between that and all the money I have had to spend at the doctors and medicine in the past two weeks I just feel like I want all this junk to be done with so I can make a plan to get the finances back on track....When will this end???

Then I am thinking about Winston's truck situation. We are suppose to be buying that at the end of the week (more money). I have to get all the paper work in order, figure out how much the insurance is going to be, get the title done, get tags...blah blah blah. It is just too much going on right now.

Then it seems to be some other stuff going on that I am not even going to try to understand. Regardless of what anyone thinks I am nothing more than a good honest person. I will do anything in the world for anyone, I try to be a good friend, and I pride myself of being a good person and being there for people when they need me. **Sometimes** I think people take a person's good intentions as weakness. I am not weak! I will be your best friend in the whole world be there for you and whatever else, but at the same time I deserve respect! I am about sick and tired of people walking all over me and treating me like poo!!! I am a grown women, who gets up every morning, goes to work, comes home and takes care of my responsibilities and that's that... I don't bother nobody, I go out of my way to be nice to everyone, I try to stay away from conflict. I am not dealing with it...I will sit my butt at home with my lovely husband and be the happiest person in the world :) I have too many things going on in my own life to worry about what anyone thinks or spending my time trying to make other people happy!!!

In life I have learned this...no matter how good of a person you are or what you do for anyone people will walk in and out of your life. Things change, people change, situations change and that's life...but there comes a point when you just have to be an adult and get over it. I am just tired of being a door mat. Tired of being the person who always cares and then feels like I don't get that in return. I can count on very few people in this world, but that doesn't bother me because relationships come down to one simple fact, it's quality not quantity!!!

Sorry to drop the rant on everyone. I am sleep deprived, stressed and just tired of everything swirling around. I don't feel like I deserve all this stuff going on and that's just me being real. At the end of the day I am a person who has feelings. Maybe I will feel better after getting all these things off my chest....

Happy Monday everyone :) I am wishing for some things to fall back into place this week, so I can get myself back on track. Oh and only four more days of this medicine and them maybe I can find some sleep!

My trip to the Doctor...

Posted on 11:15 PM
Today I was off work from where our hours were cut. After a week of being down with the Flu I still had a terrible cough that was pestering me and keeping me up all hours of the night. No wonder I have been exhausted! So today I was off to the doctor for the second Friday in a row (Boo). My doctor is long haul...I live in Franklinton and my doctors office is out on the other side of Raleigh (40 min), but with my Asthma one thing I refuse to compromise on is crappy health care, my doctor is great and even though I hate the drive its well worth it to be taken care of by what I consider the BEST! Besides the cough I also had a rash in the front bend of both elbows and on the top of both of my hands that has been off and on for awhile and really aggravating me. The verdict was...with my Asthma the Flu really took a toll on my bad bronchial tubes and they are swollen and infected from the Flu, it has a name but I can't remember it or spell it either (LOL). Now I am on prednesone for a week to try to take care of that situation. On to the rash...apparently I have atopic dermatitis which explains several skin issues for me. I have always had rashes break out from time to time, and this condition really makes sense. My doctor explained to me that people with Asthma are more likely to have this condition. It is something that can flare up for any number of reasons, go dormant for years at a time and they really don't know the exact cause and it can be quite a pest since cures are few and far between. It is just one of those things that remain a mystery in the medical world. My doctor prescribes a cream that has some strange side effects like thinning of the skin...weird! He said do NOT put this on your face...LOL Don't worry I wont :) This condition for me always seems to mostly localize on the front bends of my elbows and hands. Although in many people it affects the crease of the legs and sometimes the neck and chest. Tonight I came home and did some research and some of the things they say you should do are not for me....like not showering every day, ummm that is kinda gross!!! However I also found some things that may help my condition like showering with warm water instead of hot water (I LOVE HOT water), patting yourself dry instead of wiping, using baby oil to keep as much moisture in your skin as possible, using special lotions, staying away from dust (I dust our house all the time b/c of my Asthma) so I think I am going to buy me some baby oil tomorrow and start taking warm showers :( I hate to have a rash like that because people always notice stuff like that and assume you are dirty or something like that...but I can't help it, my body has a weak immune system and that with my Asthma makes me more likely to have this condition....UGH!!!!! I have never really complained about my Asthma...I don't know life without it, I had my first attack and ICU visit before I was 2 years old. I never used my Asthma as an excuse to be lazy, but of all the things I hate this rash thing the worst! I hope it is gone REALLY soon! I hope when I have children they don't have Asthma because it really sucks. I don't think most people understand how serious it is for some people like myself who has the worst possible type. All I can say is I hope this cream takes away the rash and leaves my skin...LOL

Other than that I have been feeling better today. My energy is slowly coming back and tonight I will sleep in our bed...WOO HOO! I have been sleeping on the couch for over a week to try to keep Mark from catching my FLU. So far so good....fingers crossed that he doesn't get it! I surely don't with a sick husband! Men and sickness don't mix and I don't want to deal with it.

So just a quick note about gas prices. As you know my car is still being repaired so I have been driving Mark's Mom's Honda Pilot (6 cylinder). This has been my dream car for so long, but not anymore. I have barely drove the Pilot and I have already had to put $45.00 worth of gas in it!!! OMG I miss my 4 cylinder Honda Accord that can go almost two weeks on a tank of gas!!!! So today I told Mark, you don't have to worry about me wanting a new car anymore. On top of that you don't have to worry about me wanting ANY 6 cylinder larger size SUV. Nope, I think if I do decided to get a SUV it will be a small 4 cylinder like a CRV. Forget those big clunky gas guzzlers I wouldn't be able to afford to drive it...gezz Now I remember why we drive my car everyday opposed to Marks Ford truck.

Stress and Relief

Posted on 12:36 AM
Lately I have been experiencing stress yet relief at the same time...crazy huh? Having the Flu and my car being broke down during a time where our hours have been cut and my paycheck looks terrible has brought much stress to my life over the past week. Today I find some relief...ahh! I am relieved that it seems my car issue is the timing chain and hopefully that is it, and it will be back in driving condition Monday. However it comes with a nice little cost, right now we think about $650.00, but that is better than the $1,100.00 the Honda dealership wanted. I hope it isn't any more than that, but we won't know for sure until the mechanic is finished. Still that's a lot of money for our extremely tight budget. Luckily we got our tax money back this week so the money is there to fix it. That is a stresser because we had several things we needed to do with our tax money (fix the roof on the screened in porch, make some repairs we have been putting off on Marks truck, put a new liner in our swimming pool and a few other things) but I guess those things will have to wait now. Another thing that is taking the last chunk of our tax money is my part of Winston's (my brother) truck for when he turns 16. Originally the plan was for him to take my car and I was going to get a new car this year, but that is not going to happen, so I have been stressed over what Winston was going to have to drive when he got his license. At the same time a burden has been lifted...it just so happens that Marks dad had decided to sell his Dodge truck and he asked if we were interested (knowing we needed something for Winston). He is selling it to us at a unbelievable price so after talking with my Mom and Sister we decided we should jump on the offer. Winston wanted a truck anyway. We know it has been taken care of and it solves our problem of him not having something to drive. So the rest of our tax money is going toward my share of the truck. It's good that I don't have to worry about that anymore and bad that all of our tax money is gone....so I feel stressed and relieved at the same time, if that is possible. I thank God that I have such an amazing husband who doesn't mind us using our tax money to help pay for Winston's truck!!! I am also thankful that I have such amazing in laws who agreed to sell the truck for much less than what they were asking to help us out. My in laws are wonderful!!! I haven't had a car in a week and Marks Mom handed over the keys to her Pilot so I would have something to drive until I got my car back. It comes in handy since I have to go back to the doctor tomorrow and run some errands. Not to mention while I was sick over the past week they brought donuts for me and also made some fried chicken and fixins for us for dinner one night :)

After having the Flu for the past week I am finally starting to recover a bit. It has been a hard week working while I felt so bad. When we came home for lunch I would have to lay down and then as soon as we got home I was back on the couch for the evening. Today was my last day this week and I am thankful it is over and thankful I am getting a little energy back! My house was dirty, laundry needed to be done and bills paid...I got several things accomplished this evening. Most of my cleaning is caught up, laundry is finished and I have sat down and got all the bills paid so I am satisfied. Tomorrow I am going back to the doctor because I still have an awful cough that is keeping me up all night and since taking the medicine I have a rash on my arms and the top of my hands (weird). So with my Asthma I figured it was best to get back to the doctor to get those things addressed and just make sure the Flu hasn't left any problems that might cause my poor little body harm. So I have doctor, lunch with friends, grocery shopping and a ton of errands to run tomorrow so hopefully I can get everything done. I would like to enjoy the weekend since last weekend I was stuck inside on the couch :(

Everything works out some way and some how. With all the stress in life I often forget that things aways manage to work out. I have been so worried that my car was gone for good and I knew we wouldn't be able to get another, but God always provides for us. The budget may be tighter than ever but it is manageable. As long as I have my amazing family and good friends life is good :)

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!

No news is good news???

Posted on 7:52 PM
Not always the case! Today I didn't learn much about my car situation. I called the Honda dealership (Boyd Honda in Oxford NC) and they were pretty helpful. I told them the problem I was having and they said more than likely it was the timing chain. The shop my car was as really didn't want to mess with fixing this since they don't work much on the newer Honda's. So I inquired with the dealership as to what kind of cost I was looking if they fixed it. $1,100.00 OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I about fainted on the phone. Thanks for your help but I have to do some shopping around, I surely don't have that much money sitting around anywhere. Not to mention we are not 100% sure that's the problem and the dealership wanted about $200.00 just to diagnose the problem. Don't get me wrong...I LOVE Boyd Honda, I have bought 3 cars from this dealership and the service department has always been super helpful. So Mark called a guy he knows who works on cars and he said he felt like he could fix my car for way less money. So today my Honda left one shop only to sit at another. Hopefully I will know something in the next few days. Do you know what it's like to be without your car? It's torture! I hope that nothing major is wrong and I can get my car back on the road VERY SOON....or I will go crazy!

Flu Update:

Day 6 of the Flu :( I managed to make it to work today and stay the whole time. I really started feeling bad this afternoon. Luckily I came home and got stationary on the couch and I don't plan on moving. I feel like I should get a medal from having the Flu and only missing a day and a half of work, but I didn't, and to be honest no one probably really cares...LOL Anyway, tomorrow is my last day on the TAMIFLU so hopefully I will start to feel like myself again very soon. I only have 3 more days to go this week since I am off Friday. I can do it!

Well that's it for tonight folks...I gotta lay back and watch the Bachelor :)

You've probably been wondering...

Posted on 7:56 PM
where I have been for the past few days. Well let me start with Wednesday. Wednesday I started feeling bad, but I made it through the day at work. Thursday still feeling bad and had to go home after lunch. My symptoms were sore throat, stopped up then runny nose, nauseated, coughing and my ears were hurting. I was thinking probably allergies or some type of sinus mess. Friday morning I could barely get out of bed. Friday was a stressful day. I was going to try to go into work for a few minutes to take care of a few things, but when I got in my car it wouldn't crank. We finally got the car to crank, but it sounded like the motor was going to pop out of the car...what in the world? So we knew my car was not drivable. So I was planning to go to the doctor since I was feeling so bad, so Mark had to call out of work because I needed something to drive and with one car broke down that only left his truck. So we called the local shop in town and Mark and I went to attempt to get my car there. Not an easy task since the car kept cutting off. We finally made it to the shop and left my car. So a little later off to the doctor I went.

Terrible news...I have the FLU!!! First of all if you have never had the test for the Flu it is awful!!!! Basically they take this think that has brushes on the end of it and is on a stick and shove it up your nose and roll it all around. It only takes a few seconds but it seems like forever....it is the worst feeling I have ever experienced. I have a high pain threshold and it made me cry :( I didn't understand why they were doing this since I had my Flu shot almost 3 weeks ago. They come back in the room and believe it or not I have the Flu. I asked them how since I had my shot and they told me it can take up to 3 weeks for it to kick in and that I must have been exposed to the Flu before my body had built up an immunity to it. So for the past several days I have been so sick. Today has actually been the worse of all the days. My head hurt so bad I was in tears! I have been able to do nothing since last Wednesday because every time I get off the couch to go to the bathroom or even get something to drink I feel bad and have to hurry back to the couch to lay back down. My whole body hurts and my butt is numb from sitting/laying on it for several days. It's hard for me to be like this because I am very active....exercising, cleaning or out and about and I have just been on the couch for 4 days now. (HELP ME) So that is where I have been.

Now on to my car situation. I have a 2003 Honda Accord, that I bought brand new in February of 2003 and it has 148,000 miles on it. Last Wednesday my engine light came on and we took it to the shop that day. It was a camshaft sensor, since those lights can come on with there not being a problem the mechanic cleared the code and said if it came back on we would put in a new sensor. Wednesday afternoon and Thursday the car was fine. Friday brought on the problem I told you about earlier in the post. They changed the sensor, and yet my car was still cutting off. So they worked on finding a problem Friday with nothing by the time they closed. Hopefully tomorrow they will be able to let us know what is going on. All I know is the car is not firing on all the cylinders and it wasn't pulling up any other codes so it is a trail and error thing, but it is pretty obvious at this point it is some type of engine problem...NOT GOOD! So, I am kinda ill about this situation. This car is in great condition and has always had all the maintenance done so I shouldn't be having a major problem with a HONDA at 148,000 miles!!!! So I am going to bite my tongue on this situation until I know what the problem is, but if it is something serious I will definitely have a not so nice post about the situation....stay tuned!

Ok everyone, I have to go...sitting up to type this post has wore me out. Please say a prayer for my speedy recovery from this Flu. Have a great week!!!

Sick :(

Posted on 9:38 PM
That yucky crud has finally found me....BOO! I don't how I managed to make it through the day at work, but I did. I wanted to go home early but that didn't happen. It's hard to deal with customers when you feel so bad, I found myself really wanting to beat my head into the wall several times today.

So since I made it through work, I decided to try to keep to my schedule and go grocery shopping today...bad idea. It's super doubles at Harris Teeter and a Mega Event at Kroger. Let's just say I made it to Harris Teeter and that's all I could do, i had to come back home. So hopefully I will be able to do the rest of my shopping this weekend.

Super Doubles :)

Spent $23.50 and Saved $48.96

So just for giggles I went online to Lowe's Food to see how much this stuff would have cost me if I went shopping there today. The same items with my coupons would have cost $45.04!!! That's $21.54 more. I would love to see how much these items would have cost at Wal-Mart or Food Lion.

Well that is it for today. I don't have the energy to look at the computer any longer. Hopefully I will be feeling better really soon because I HATE being sick. Nothing gets done and stuff is piling up for me :(

My Husband...

Posted on 10:18 PM
Is the BEST husband in the whole world!!! I love him so much! Today is Valentines day and we never really celebrate stuff like that. We love each other every day so whats the point of making a big deal out of some stupid day...LOL However, today he came home with a card and a box of chocolate for me. I loved the card, it was so cute so I am going to share it...

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
This card is so true :)

I don't know what I would do without my Mark. He fills my life with laughter, love and keeps me on my toes! I couldn't have picked a better person to share my life with :)

I hope everyone had a great day! Short post tonight because after eating 1/4 of my box of chocolate I have to jump on my exercise bike for at least 30 minutes and get ready for bed!!!

Good Weekend!

Posted on 9:50 PM
Friday started off rather busy. My sister's flight was suppose to be in at 1:48, but she ended up getting it switched so she got in at 10:15. So I was rushing like crazy to make it there on time. I missed my sister while she was gone, but we spent the day together Friday and had a good day.

So after I picked her up from the airport we were off to the DMV. We went to the office in Raleigh and after waiting 30 minutes they said she needed her car. So off we go back home (nothing can be easy) to pick up her car. Since my sister had to get her license reinstated she couldn't drive so instead of going back to Raleigh we just went to the office in Louisburg. Guess what....she didn't have to drive after all. Those people at the DMV office in Raleigh were butt holes....sorry to say, but they were just rude and flat out lied!

Jayme cheesing after she got her license back :)

So Friday was gone. I came home, and Mark cooked dinner for me and we just relaxed at home. FYI...when I got home the milk jug had disappeared from the counter. Hooray!!!

Saturday, I had a a lot going on. I met my friend Katie for lunch at the hot dog stand (yummo) Then, I had to go to a party at 4:00 and as soon as I got home we walked right out the door to head to another party to meet up with some of our friends at the Saddle Club. We had a ball at the party! Good food, good company and dancing the night away...ahhh how I love my little country life :)

Today I have been doing a little of this and that...mostly just being lazy (in my opinion) I finished our taxes, paid bills, cooked dinner and done some light cleaning. Oh and 1/2 my aerobic tape :) Now I am watching Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters...it's been a lazy Sunday. Actually, I am planning on going to bed by 11:30 tonight, I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a busy day at work.

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend <3

Today is...

Posted on 12:04 AM
my Friday, not by choice though. Since our hours were cut I am off tomorrow (boo) I have to pick my sister up at the airport tomorrow and take her to the DMV. After 3 weeks of training for her job at the Federal Prison she graduated today. Not only does she get to come home, she gets to keep her job (yay). I am proud of my sister :) I am also proud of Winston (my brother) who made the A-B honor roll this 9 weeks at school. All the siblings are doing good...love them :)

As for my week... I have been super busy at work, which has lead to me being exhausted by the time I get home. My house is still clean though!!! I have fell a little behind on my cleaning schedule only by two projects. One is cleaning my guest bathroom, and the other is vacuuming the living room. I am going to clean the bathroom before bed, but I can't vacuum since Mark is asleep. I will have most of the morning tomorrow to get back on track. Exercise was good until yesterday. I went grocery shopping and just ran out of time and today I just ran out of time. I got off work late today, had to go by the ATM to get Winston's report card money, I had to talk to my sister about tomorrow, then I talked to some friends (Katie, Megan and Amanda) and then I went down to Mom's to get the stuff I needed to bring to Jayme when she gets home and stayed and talked to Mom for a bit. By the time I got home and finished the laundry it was late. Now it's 12:12 and I still have to clean the bathroom and put up the laundry...oh well I can sleep late tomorrow :)

The adventures of Mr. Milk Jug......

At this point I forget how many days he has been hanging around... Today, Mr. Milk Jug was having a bad hair day so he decided to put on a hat :) Sadly, Mr. Milk Jug will be gone by Saturday....I can't take it anymore!!!!! I asked Mark if anything was out of place this evening and he said "No"...so I proceeded with more questions...Finally he figured out I was talking about the Milk Jug and he had a great excuse to why he was still on the counter

Mark: It takes up half the trash bag so I didn't want to throw it away...
Me: So you left it sitting on the counter because it takes up too much space in the trash can?
Mark: Yes
April: Oh ok...that makes good sense (laughing)
Mark: I will throw it away
April: I just took the trash out today, the bag is empty so there is enough space for it...
Mark: I said I will throw it away!!!
April: Ok, thanks for being concerned about the trash (LOL)

Anyway...he didn't throw it away tonight. I wanted to be mad about the milk jug but his excuse was priceless...I have never herd such a story, it made me laugh so I couldn't be too mad. I love my husband, never a dull moment. He did thank me for how clean the house has been and told me everything looked so nice :) I know he appreciates me....most of the time!

Time IS $$$

Posted on 10:47 PM
That's right...time is money. The question is how much time is worth the amount of money you save? Today I had to do my weekly grocery shopping. I started going during the week for two reasons. 1- Everything hasn't been picked over on the day the sales start, and 2- I don't have to worry about getting out on the weekend if I am busy or have things going on. So today I got off work at 4:30 and got home about 6:18 so almost two hours worth of shopping. I had to go to Target, Harris Teeter, Lowes Foods and stop to fill my car up with gas. So I didn't think the timing was bad :)

I often hear people say they don't have time to coupon or hop from store to store, and I can understand that!!! If nothing else it is a hassle and a pain in the rear sometimes. However, today with the stops I made at each store I ended up spending $62.08, and saved $77.66 or 56 percent. An extra hour of time is worth 77 bucks to me, the last time I checked I don't make that in an hour!!!! I actually probably saved way more than that by making several stops, because I went for certain items on sale at each place so the savings would include the sale price. If I had only went to one place I would have spent A LOT more money. So after adding the prices at my store of choice I would have paid 128.37 (not including tax) and that includes all my coupon savings. In other words I would have paid an additional $66.29 if I bought all my items at one grocery store. So basically by going to 3 different stores I ended up with a total savings of $143.95, yeah not too shabby when you think of it that way.

What did I buy for $66.08 today?
~4 Palermo frozen pizza's
~6 Bags of Kraft Shredded cheese
~1 16 oz Sour Cream
~1 32 oz Kraft Mayo
~1 A-1 Steak sauce
~4 lbs of bananas
~7 lbs of Red Grapes
~3 lbs of baking potato's
~4 packages of Hillshire Farm lunch meat
~4 dozen large eggs
~2 gallons of milk
~4 Jars of Hormel Real Bacon bits
~1 jar of 25 Beef bouillon cubes
~10 Yoplait yogurts
~2 8oz liqiud coffee creams
~1 Natures Own loaf of bread
~3 packs of Budding Honey Ham

I think the price was pretty good being that I got produce which is out of this world price wise. Yay for me!!!!!!!!!!

*******************************Milk Jug Update***************************************

Yes the milk jug is still on the counter....can you believe it? It is driving me crazy, but I am not budging on this one :) Milk Jug was unable to go on an adventure today since I went grocery shopping, maybe tomorrow!

Still there...

Posted on 12:08 AM
Today the milk jug had moved slightly, but still on day 3 it is sitting on the counter. I decided that maybe it was loney and decided to give it some company for a few minutes (at least long enough for a new picture)

Milk jug...meet Mr.Bear LOL

So I have ran out of time for a normal blog today, but I did want to update everyone on this serious empty milk jug issue :) We will see what kind of adventure Milk Jug is in for tomorrow. Ha!

Where's the milk?

Posted on 9:37 PM

There's the milk...oh wait that is an empty milk container. Where did it come from? Last night after I cleaned the kitchen it magically appeared on the counter. There is only one other person that lives in this house drum roll please.....MARK! So as you all know I have been super neat lately and cleaning every single day, our house is spotless besides this empty milk sitting on the counter. It has been tearing me to pieces not to throw it in the trash, but I am not going to do it!!!! My mission: To see how long this container of empty milk stays on the counter. I am going to clean around it until it disappears (it may never find it's way to the trash) FYI today is the second day and it is still sitting there...LOL I hope I have the willpower to leave it there :) Oh and just to refresh every ones memory, the whole reason I started my "honest effort" on cleaning was because Mark said the house was "Messy" sometimes! Ha Ha Ha If you really know me, you know my house is never really dirty and seldom messy, but goodness gracious I leave folded clothes out for one day and I have a MESS :) What about this MESS on the counter. Love you Mark!!!!!!!!

Today has been awesome. I am so happy with myself. After making my post last night and feeling bad about being slack on some things I needed to do a wave of motivation struck today when I got home YIPPEEE! Not only did I type my appeal letter, but I just finished 11 miles on my exercise bike. Oh, then I ate two cookies (LOL) I am actually ahead on my cleaning. Tonight I dusted our bedroom vacuumed our bedroom, Marks living room and I am fixing to check the checking accounts. I didn't have to cook dinner since we still had left overs from last night...SCORE I am going to prepare my dinner for tomorrow so I can put it in the crock pot before I leave for work and then finish cleaning the kitchen and I will be done for tonight. I am going to sleep like a baby tonight just because I am so content with all my accomplishments today. The only thing on my mind is that container of empty milk....I will keep you posted on that situation ;)

Monday's almost gone and tomorrow is a new day, make the best of it :)

What have I been doing?

Posted on 9:54 PM
I don't know! I have just not been very productive lately, I don't know what my deal is... I mean don't get me wrong, stuff has been done, but there are a few things I need to do that I just can't seem to start on.

#1: My appeal letter to the insurance company about covering my prescriptions. I have the letter from my doctor, but for some reason I have yet to write mine.

#2: Keeping up with the checking accounts....maybe this one is because I know I am broke (LOL)

#3: EXERCISE...yikes! I have been slack (in my opinion). FYI...didn't go to Zumba Saturday because it was pouring rain. That means 3 days this week with no exercise (tisk tisk)

#4: Meal Planning. Another thing I have been wanting to accomplish. I really wanted to start planning out our meals in advance (like 2 weeks). I think it will help me with my grocery shopping and cutting grocery expenses even more. First I need to check into my meat stock and go from there...why can't I get my motivation???

There is some good that I should be happy about :)

My house is spotless!

I cleaned the inside of my car out!

I made dip and cookies for Mark :)

Back to work tomorrow. It's a short week for me. My sister is coming home Friday and I am going to get her from the airport. Don't tell her, but I have kinda missed her not being around. Not that I go see her all the time, but if I want to I can, and I think it's the fact that I can't see her that makes me miss her. Love my sis!

Pizza and Pajama's

Posted on 11:54 PM
Happy Friday everyone! My day started off lovely, I woke up this morning with a headache (boo) Got to work and somehow every one's computer settings had been messed up (apparently they had worked on the system). So I spent the first 2 1/2 hours of my day going around fixing computers. Which got me behind on my work... By lunch time my head was pounding and I was just ready to call it a day. I made it through the day...luckily!

My plan to come home, throw a pizza in the oven, and lay on the couch all evening in my pajamas and RELAX! Did I do that??? Not so much... I did lay down for a bit to try to get rid of this headache. Then I got up, cut Marks hair, swept and moped the kitchen floor and got in 7 1/2 miles on my exercise bike. Why can't I just give myself a break...geezzz!!!!

Anyway, it's rainy and cold here and just blah! So who knows what the weekend will bring. I do know I am getting up tomorrow and going to ZUMBA class. Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to make it through the class before falling out in the floor :)

That's it for tonight, I am going to bed. Hope everyone has a great weekend :)

A good day :)

Posted on 8:52 PM
Yes, finally a good day. I don't know why I think it was so good, but I am in a pretty good mood and that's something :) I didn't get a chance to blog yesterday because I was working on taxes. I think taxes are my guilty pleasure...I really enjoy doing them. Today was beautiful, although windy, the temperature was almost 70 and I couldn't help but to take the time to get a 2 mile jog in this afternoon. Exercise has been pretty good this week. I actually ended up getting four miles in on my bike Monday night before bed :) I took yesterday off since I was working on taxes. Strange how different exercises make different parts of your body sore. Today after my jog the tops of my legs were killing me (and still are)...whew my little legs are out of shape.

So something that is making me super happy is how clean my house is right now!!!!!!!! OMGeee, I Love it :) It's 9:00, I have managed to jog 2 miles, cook chicken casserole for dinner, clean my guest bathroom, dust in the living room, washed dishes, cleaned the kitchen, swept the kitchen, and vacuumed the living room. Accomplishment feels good! This year I have made a promise to myself to do a lot of things different. The "honest effort" in cleaning the house is one, and it really makes me feel good. Another thing that I have decided I am going to work harder on doing each day is saying my prayers before bed. I have been working hard to take the time each night no matter what time it is or how tired I am. I actually think it makes me feel better...it's my time to talk to the Lord, thank him for what I have, ask for guidance in my daily life and pray for others it puts me at ease to know everything is in his hands!

What I am THANKFUL for this week:
~That my sweet husband has been making me a travel mug of coffee every day before work
~That when I have a bad day I can always vent to my dear friend Megan
~Nice weather that has allowed me to get outside and jog (Sunday and Today...and its Winter!!!!)
~That Jayme (my sister) is actually doing well at her training
~My house is super clean!!!!!

What a wonderful day it has been. I would love to chat longer, but I have to get my grocery list together and possibly start on our taxes...we shall see!

Hope everyone is having a great week...we are on the short path to the weekend! (woohoo)