Green coffee? What in the world? Let me explain. I am a BIG fan of coffee, I promise I can not live with out a million cups a day. Not the 5 buck Starbucks coffee, just normal classic roast coffee. I do enjoy a latte from Starbucks every now and then, but I don't live for that. Every night before my tv shows start at 8:00 I make me a whole pot of coffee then I spend the rest of my evening relaxing and sipping...YUM! Coffee doesn't really phase me, I don't get wired from a pot of coffee. To me its soothing. So now the "green" part.

Green is the new cool kid on the block. No I am not talking about coffee, but recycling and being kind to our environment. I will get to how this is related in just a bit. I am not a "green" freak nor an avid recycler, please don't judge! I like most find ways to blame something or someone for my laziness. I live in the country and don't get cool recycling containers like those of you that live in the city. I have to load up trash and drive to the dump each Saturday, not the most pleasant thing to do on the weekend. Most of the time the recycling bins are overflowing and that is my excuse! However, I did buy some reusable grocery bags with good intentions :) Oh no...I go into the store and leave them in my car almost every time. I do use them some which is better than never. So I started thinking about the things I do that could be looked at as being friendly to the environment. I reuse my plastic water bottles mostly because I am cheap and don't want to pay $3.99 for a pack of water, but that's recycling! When I print coupons online I use the left over pieces of paper to write list on or to print something else. I save the plastic containers that my butter and lunch meat come in, they are always handy around the house for something. I have energy efficient light bulbs :) I put those plastic shopping bags to use too... I use them as trash bags in my bathroom trash cans and Mark always totes his lunch in them, so we don't just throw them away. Well they do go in the trash eventually, but hey I try! So I guess I do something which keeps me from feeling like a total loser.

So how does this relate to coffee you may ask. Over my little vacation from work I was walking around Wal-Mart one day and saw reusable coffee filters. Please understand I make at least two pots of coffee a day at home, and on the weekend there is no telling how many. These filters just sit in the coffee pot, you dump the grinds, rinse it out and put it back to use. They cost about $5 so I bought one. I have been using it for a month now and it is awesome. Maybe a little extra work since you have to rinse it out, but it will save me money in the long run and it will keep those filters out of the landfill. I feel good about this! As you can tell most of my "green" decisions are based solely on me saving a little bit of green...LOL So what if it saves me money, still in some small way I am attempting to do my part which counts for something. So try out these filters and with each cup of coffee you will be doing your part to save the environment!

On to other things:

So it is cold here in North Carolina! I mean REALLY cold :( Cold weather just gives me a case of the blahs. I can not get motivated to get stuff done at home. I feel like my house is a mess and every day when I get home from work I just want to wrap up in a blanket and lay on the couch. I get so mad at myself. Usually I have coupon deals to work on during the week, but this week there is nothing going on. Last week was super doubles at Harris Teeter and I was hot in pursuit of those deals :) I totaled up my receipts the other day and I ended up saving 83%....amazing! Normal retail for the items I bought was $383.25 and I only paid $72.49. For those who think coupons are stupid...what do you think now? This year I am going to make the effort to actually track my savings over the whole year. I can't wait to see how much I save! I am going to start posting my weekly shops on here too, but this week I have none so we will have to start that when some good sales call my name. Maybe it will help someone :-)