The day is over! Work wasn't too bad, we got off around 8 this evening. I am very tired though. We have had a little snow off and on since around dark. I would say we probably have at least an inch right now. Snow is sneaky... I will go to sleep with a little snow and when I wake up there is no telling what could be waiting for me :)

This is what we have so far!

I keep sweeping the deck every hour or so. I know it sounds crazy but I am so clumsy, and I feel like it is a good idea to keep the deck and side walk as clear as possible. I know I will probably have to shovel in the morning, but every little bit helps :) I hope when I wake up tomorrow I can look out my window and see a winter wonderland and piles of snow. More pictures to come tomrrow.

~~~~~Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow~~~~~