Today has been a weird day.  I woke up way late.  Thanks to my migraine medicine once I woke up I couldn' sleep and then I ended up sleeping extremely late.  I still managed to get some stuff done though :)
I cleaned this bed room a little.  It's kind of a mess from switching closets and taking my dresser out.

Then I went to the shop and started sanding my dresser.  I got it sanded and filled the bad spots with wood glue.  So tomorrow I can sand some more.  There is no way possible this will be finished by the weekend.

Then I went hunting.  I have been wanting to go but just haven't been able to.  After getting pooped on by some birds while sitting in my stand I got a chance to shoot one....
I look at this as meat on the table :)
me and my trophy!

So then I came home and started working on getting our Christmas tree up. It's up and it has lights the rest will be done later.