oh yes they are! I have walked a hole right into the bottom of them :(
My trusty Sperry's, the most comfortable shoe in the whole wide world. So I am kinda a bum. I really don't care to dress up and I am not real girly. As I am sure you can tell from my favorite shoes :) Anyway, I have had these shoes for 2 years and I pretty much wear them every day. However, I think before too long I am going to have to send them to the shoe graveyard. The hole on the bottom is great for air circulation, oh and letting water from wet parking lots seep into my socks...LOL The soles are starting to come of the front part of them too. I think I can hang onto them for just a little longer though! I have got my miles and money out of these shoes.
On another note...tonight I bought my husband a present
windshield wipers for his hunting truck :) What can I say...we are practical gift givers around here. Actually he said he had to go buy some tonight and with my new Ebates addition, I decided I would take over that task. A present for him, and a present for me. Yep, these put an extra $1.26 in my Ebates account. All I had to do was order them online and then go to the store to pick them up. This is way too easy!!! I signed up for my Ebates account on 10-6-11, and made my first purchase on 10-9-11. Today is 10-28-11 and I have $16.37 in my account. I will get my first check next month. So you can keep ignoring my advertising of this awesome little site or you can jump on the train and start earning yourself free money. No it's not a million dollars, but I can't wait to see what the grand total ends up be in 6 months or a year.

Other than that lets say HOORAY for the weekend. It is a chilly rainy night here, but I am sipping on a cup of coffee and fixing to watch my favorite Friday night show (Blue Bloods). Which I just figured out is not coming on...BOO TV BOO!!! Tomorrow I will begin tackling my stock room, fun stuff... Try not to spend your whole weekend doing house work ladies :)
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