If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? I bet your mind is wandering off to a place where you can easily name all your faults. Everyone has things that they dislike about themselves....gosh my list is a mile long! How can you pick just one????

My #1 fault is I worry about EVERYTHING! It drives me crazy, it must be built in my DNA because I can't keep myself from doing it...worrying to me is like breathing. It's just natural. I envy the people who can just go through life carefree and don't stress over the small stuff. I wish I could be like that. I'll admit I don't have major problems in my life, but it doesn't matter because all the small ones drive me into a manic state of worry. It never stops, I toss and turn at night thinking about all the things I haven't done, and going crazy over things I just can't control.

Just so you can see my insanity here is my worry list for today...
  • appealing the fact that my prescription plan won't pay a cent on my Asthma medication
  • our $400 light bill that's due next month
  • I feel like something is wrong with our heating unit and I think this has something to due with the fact that our light bill has doubled (we have someone coming to check this out tomorrow)
  • how much is it going to cost to service our unit and fix it if there is a problem
  • my house is not clean to my standards (even though I spent all evening cleaning when I got home from work)
  • If something isn't wrong with our heating unit what else could be causing our excessive energy consumption
  • I need to exercise and I am running out of daylight!!!
  • All the stuff sitting on my desk at work
  • Trying to save money, but it's really hard when little things keep going wrong
  • That I spend entirely too much time worrying
  • what do people thinking about me

Oh gosh I can't even keep going with this list...it's making my head hurt! Anyway, that is my delima, and even though I know what my problem is no matter what I do, I can't control it.

So there are a lot of other things I would like to change about myself, but that is my #1....what about you?

Just some other notes:

Happy Birthday to Miss Colby, she turns 21 today! What an exciting birthday :) I sure hope she enjoyed it, and we will be celebrating this weekend....yippee!

Well that's about it for today, I think I going to get 30 minutes in on my exercise bike while I watch The Good Wife....love this show.