Does anyone else out there thrive on having a peek into the mind of human realtionships? Yes, I am that girl... I love seeing how people react in situations, relate with others, and handle day to day life. Some may call it nosey, heck even I think I am nosey at times, but seriously its more than that. I look at how people handle thier relationships and then look at myself and pick at the differences. With all the technology today it is so easy to do this...blogs, facebook, twitter (which I don't have), text and blackberrys...everything gives you a look into peoples lives and how they interact and handle things.

So lets start off with the blogs... I love reading blogs! I like to read the blogs of my old friends to see whats going on in thier lives, and I like to read blogs of random people whom I have never met. I can't tell you's just interesting I like to see that I am not the only person who gets annoyed by things, or has struggles or has random monents of insanity. Reading blogs generates lots of feelings for me. Sometimes I feel like I am not greatful enough for the things I have and the life I share with the people in it, sometimes they make me feel like a lazy person, sometimes they make me cry or laugh, and sometimes they make me want to strive to be a better person! All that comes from reading the words and wisdom of others....crazy right?

I think looking into the life of other people can help you in your own life. Reading a blog of someone who has a great life can make you question the way you live yourself. Seeing the relationships they have with people and the way the talk about people let you see how the realtionships in thier life work. Maybe you can see these things and alnalyze your own relationships...maybe you can find faults in yourself that you never noticed before. Perhaps it can give you the strength to work harder at your realtionships with others. With all that said everyone is different and what works for one may not work for another, but it still intresting to see the differences in human interaction.

Next on the list.....Facebook! I can barely remember what life was like before facebook!!! I was talking to Amanda today about how I wish facebook was around when we were in our early 20's. Maybe it was around then, but just not as popular...I am not sure :) As much as I love facebook it annoys me sometimes....LOL On facebook I can find out random things people are doing, how thier day is working out, what they cooked for dinner, who just potty trained thier kid....all kinds of random information. Trust me I can honestly say I know sometimes people probably wondering what I am thinking by my status dates sometimes, but it makes me feel good to put random things on thier from time to time. I can see the release in posting a status about a bad day....sometimes you just need to feel like you got something off your chest, and that is what facebook is for...I think! Facebook also makes me realize that some people just make no sense. For instance I see someone saying they are so poor one day and the next they are off shopping and buying new things....yeah that annoyes me!

If there is one thing I can say about social media it is that I always see people who are seeking pitty from others. >>>>>SIGH<<<<< Nothing gets on my nerves as much as this does. Yes, you will often see me complain about things in my life, but DO NOT mistake that as me asking for PITY! Throughout all the things I have been through in life I have never once wanted anyone to pity me!!! I don't want any ones help and I would never ask for it, I am a believer that you reap what you sow. Sometimes life does smack you in the face, but it's your life and you just have to handle it, and adjust for things that happen and come up. It's no ones responsibility and you shouldn't be begging :( Life is hard, but no one ever told me it would be easy so I don't expect it to be and you shouldn't either.

I read a few blogs of people who have overcome extreme obstacles in their life. Major health problems at a young age, or a terrible loss, yet these people are still thankful for all the good things. The look at life so much differently and these are the people who inspire me. Their stories lift me up on bad days and make me feel like the things I deal with are so small and petty. So read some random blogs and see what others lives look like. Feel grateful for what you do have and don't worry so much about what you have to do with out. At the end of the day you might just learn something from these people their relationships and life.

Still feel free to sound off and complain.... It always feels better to clear the air sometimes!!! I know my blog is therapeutic for me. It makes me feel good to get thoughts out of my head and keeps me sane for the most part.

Other than that I have been a good girl today. I can home from work and walked two miles in the cold with Mom. Jogging was out of the question! My Asthma hates cold weather and I can't run in the cold so I walked. It was nice to get out and get some fresh air! I feel like I stay so couped up during the winter months so I enjoyed the 50 degree temperature today that let me get outside for just a little bit :) Got some more exercise in...7 miles on my exercise bike, so I rewarded myself with something sweet. It's not fun to work hard and not get something in return, which is probably why I don't loose much weight!(Ha Ha) I think Mark is finally tired of having the Chili Beans I cooked for dinner Monday, so I guess tomorrow I will actually have to cook again :) I hope everyone is having a good week, hump day is over so it's all down hill from here.