So after yesterday everyone probably thinks I am a total loser...well today I have topped myself. I know how much we all love going to work everyday...ha! It's one of those things we do, but rather be doing something else. Anyway, work has been so stressful lately. I am coming off a week vacation from Christmas so you would think after that amount of time off you would be relaxed and ready to get to it...umm no! This week has been terrible. I am VERY thankful to have a job, don't get me wrong...but I also think that some days work is sending me into a deep dark depression...LOL So let's get to today's story of my insanity.

We have vacation forms we have to fill out each year. Usually not a big deal, because who knows when they will need time off, we usually just all coordinate together and it works. So this year they tell us we have to write down each day we want to take off and take that day and honestly it just got me to my boiling point!!!! First of all they have taken away raises for the past few years, we lost the matching of our 401K and the work load is just unimaginable to say the least. I understand the economy is bad and things have to be cut, but with no sick days or personal days it makes it hard to schedule every day I want or need to take off at the beginning of the year. I use my vacation days if I am sick or have doctors appointments because I can't afford to have less than 40 hours on my paycheck. In my eyes what makes it worse it that I feel that I am a great employee. I have worked for this company for going on 8 years and I never call out of work or miss days...usually I go to work sick and I always schedule time off in advance. What gives? I am a emotional person, and when I get really mad I usually cry, but I told myself enough is enough and I am going to plead my case on this one. Is using my vacation days (the only thing left I feel I actually get) when I need them and not knowing when I will need them in January a CRIME? I think not! So I go to talk to my boss and I am just so worked up that I start crying at the end of the conversation...what a loser right? Ok so I go to the bathroom and hang out for a few minutes and try to pull myself together and it makes me even more mad that i am crying at work and looking like an idiot...LOL Not to mention when I get back to my desk every time I think about it I start crying over and over. Now I don't mean loud distraught crying... More like my face and eyes are red and there is a tear running down my face here and there, none the less crazy...i think. By lunch time I am telling Mark about it and I start crying again, he just thinks I am crazy! Am I??? I hope not, but there may be some type of problem :) Really I was just mad and upset and it had to come out. So here's my new wasn't better! Tomorrow is Saturday so I am thinking it will be a happy day.

Ok, so I know I probably shouldn't express my feelings about work like this, but hopefully I won't get fired for my feelings or crying at work...LOL I think I am going to put sticky notes all around my desk with positive reinforcement so I can keep my frustrations to a minimum. Try is the key word :)

Praying hard that things get a little bit better, because right now I feel like I am in the bottle of a black hole somewhere screaming for sunshine. Hope this gave someone a laugh and maybe later I can read this and laugh too :)