The tragedy our nation faced this past week is truly awful. My heart goes out to all the families of the victims. There are evil people in this world and we will never be able to understand why they do senseless things like this. Each time we hear of a tragic event where there is a shooter involved everyone starts talking about gun control. Is there such a thing as gun control? I have several thoughts on this issue and that will be my topic for the evening.
First of all, let me start off by saying we are gun owners. Shot guns, riffles and handguns...yep we have them all in our home. Some people are afraid of guns and that's understandable, but just because you don't believe in guns doesn't mean that people shouldn't be able to have them. We are hunters...deer, rabbit, birds, turkeys yes we love hunting, and we love our guns. Here in North Carolina you have to have a background check to purchase a firearm, and to purchase a handgun you have to have a pistol permit which is obtained from the Sheriffs office. To get a hunting license you have to go through a hunters safety course, and during this course you go to a range and shoot. So I think the system in place is good. It is alot of paper work to buy a gun and the process is time consuming, but I understand.
Sometimes guns get into the wrong hands...that's pretty obvious. It's my personal opinion that there is no way to stop this. If a person who wanted a gun for the wrong reason couldn't purchase it legally they would just find a way to buy them on the street. I think of gun control like the battle with keeping drugs off the's just not possible! When you restrict the ability for people to purchase guns it really only hurts the people who are using them for sport or personal protection. The bad guys will always find a way to get what they want! I know there are bad people who have purchased guns legally and used them in bad ways, but I bet if you go back and look at every crime where a gun was used to injure or kill someone most of those guns were in the hands of people who had no way to purchase them legally.
For example...guns are not allowed in schools. Teachers can't carry a firearm in a classroom for personal protection. How many school shootings have we seen that a student as gotten a gun into a school and hurt or killed people. Guns get into places they are not suppose to be all the time...and who brings them? The bad guy...and the good people are left with nothing to protect themselves from the people doing the wrong thing.
I have a handgun...a small one, and I carry it mostly in my car when I travel alone. It doesn't go in stores and not in my purse. If you ask why its because guns are not allowed in most public places. A lot of times I ask myself how much good it does me, if someone attacks me in a parking lot I doubt they will give me a chance to get to my car to get my gun, but the law says I can't take it inside and I follow the law. The law doesn't work for the good guys!
My gun is very usually in my home. That's really the only place it will do any good for personal protection. If someone decides to break into my house and try to cause me harm I feel sorry for them! I will never have someone hurt me in my own's my castle and I am going to protect myself inside of it....
At the end of the day, it's not the gun that kills people....people kill people. We will never understand what makes a person good or bad, or what sends someone over the edge, but we can't take away every individuals rights because of the ones who do wrong. I honestly believe that if all the good people walked around armed that the bad guys would think before they decided to hurt others. If you had a plan to do something bad and you knew the minute you walked out there you were surrounded by armed people I think they would think twice. I think they wouldn't be able to get 3 shots off before someone else took them out. They do these things because they know chances are there is no one that has the means to stop them. I know there are brave people who would try to take a gunman down, but I feel if in that situation I would never have the guts to go after a armed person without being armed myself.
These days I never feel safe when I am away from home. The government won't let me feel safe. I don't have the right to have the means to protect myself when I leave my home. Why is this? I do the right thing, my guns are registered, and I obtained them legally...I would never harm another person unless my life was threatened and I had no other choice. How come the bad guys always get to win? Why do they get the chance to hurt the ones who follow the law? You will never get all the illegal guns off the street, there is no way possible to keep them out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them... So what do you do?
I guess we just take a chance every time we go out into the world. Someone could hurt us and more than likely we won't be able to stop them, and that is the sad truth. So for all those who don't believe in people owning firearms I say to them...if you don't like them don't have them, but your not taking mine!
Well that's my rant for the day... Tomorrow is Friday! I hope you all have a great weekend :)
First of all, let me start off by saying we are gun owners. Shot guns, riffles and handguns...yep we have them all in our home. Some people are afraid of guns and that's understandable, but just because you don't believe in guns doesn't mean that people shouldn't be able to have them. We are hunters...deer, rabbit, birds, turkeys yes we love hunting, and we love our guns. Here in North Carolina you have to have a background check to purchase a firearm, and to purchase a handgun you have to have a pistol permit which is obtained from the Sheriffs office. To get a hunting license you have to go through a hunters safety course, and during this course you go to a range and shoot. So I think the system in place is good. It is alot of paper work to buy a gun and the process is time consuming, but I understand.
Sometimes guns get into the wrong hands...that's pretty obvious. It's my personal opinion that there is no way to stop this. If a person who wanted a gun for the wrong reason couldn't purchase it legally they would just find a way to buy them on the street. I think of gun control like the battle with keeping drugs off the's just not possible! When you restrict the ability for people to purchase guns it really only hurts the people who are using them for sport or personal protection. The bad guys will always find a way to get what they want! I know there are bad people who have purchased guns legally and used them in bad ways, but I bet if you go back and look at every crime where a gun was used to injure or kill someone most of those guns were in the hands of people who had no way to purchase them legally.
For example...guns are not allowed in schools. Teachers can't carry a firearm in a classroom for personal protection. How many school shootings have we seen that a student as gotten a gun into a school and hurt or killed people. Guns get into places they are not suppose to be all the time...and who brings them? The bad guy...and the good people are left with nothing to protect themselves from the people doing the wrong thing.
I have a handgun...a small one, and I carry it mostly in my car when I travel alone. It doesn't go in stores and not in my purse. If you ask why its because guns are not allowed in most public places. A lot of times I ask myself how much good it does me, if someone attacks me in a parking lot I doubt they will give me a chance to get to my car to get my gun, but the law says I can't take it inside and I follow the law. The law doesn't work for the good guys!
My gun is very usually in my home. That's really the only place it will do any good for personal protection. If someone decides to break into my house and try to cause me harm I feel sorry for them! I will never have someone hurt me in my own's my castle and I am going to protect myself inside of it....
At the end of the day, it's not the gun that kills people....people kill people. We will never understand what makes a person good or bad, or what sends someone over the edge, but we can't take away every individuals rights because of the ones who do wrong. I honestly believe that if all the good people walked around armed that the bad guys would think before they decided to hurt others. If you had a plan to do something bad and you knew the minute you walked out there you were surrounded by armed people I think they would think twice. I think they wouldn't be able to get 3 shots off before someone else took them out. They do these things because they know chances are there is no one that has the means to stop them. I know there are brave people who would try to take a gunman down, but I feel if in that situation I would never have the guts to go after a armed person without being armed myself.
These days I never feel safe when I am away from home. The government won't let me feel safe. I don't have the right to have the means to protect myself when I leave my home. Why is this? I do the right thing, my guns are registered, and I obtained them legally...I would never harm another person unless my life was threatened and I had no other choice. How come the bad guys always get to win? Why do they get the chance to hurt the ones who follow the law? You will never get all the illegal guns off the street, there is no way possible to keep them out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them... So what do you do?
I guess we just take a chance every time we go out into the world. Someone could hurt us and more than likely we won't be able to stop them, and that is the sad truth. So for all those who don't believe in people owning firearms I say to them...if you don't like them don't have them, but your not taking mine!
Well that's my rant for the day... Tomorrow is Friday! I hope you all have a great weekend :)
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