Here is how I will start off...
- Clean up after dinner each night...I must admit that I don't do this every night because sometimes after preparing a meal I just don't feel like cleaning the kitchen too, but I am going to try to do this one for sure!
- Wipe down all the counter tops after everything is cleaned up
- Put all the dishes away in the dishwasher and wash the ones that I can't put in the dishwasher
- Floss every night before bed...I have been working really hard on this one, but sometimes I am still a little slack
- Make sure all my stuff (bills, magazines, mail) is put away and not sitting out in my living room (another tough one, because I usually work on these things late in the evening)
- Keep the dirty laundry sorted in baskets to make it wash ready on Thursday night....not so tough for me, but I need to get Mark on board with this one!!!
So that's the main things right now. I will add more a little at a time. I didn't want to start off with a hefty list because I knew I would be less likely to hold myself to it. If I can do these things everyday my house will be happy and I will be happy when I don't feel like everything is a disaster. I am tired of spending my whole weekend cleaning, so eventually I hope to have everything where I do all my cleaning task during the week and have extra time for what I want on the weekend. If I break it down into smaller task throughout the week I think my life will be easier and I will feel less stressed on busy weekends. I will keep you posted!
On another note....yesterday I mentioned some things that were stressing me. So here it is, more than likely next month they are cutting our hours at work (AGAIN) I am just so disgusted over this, and to make matters worse Marks hours will probably be cut too. I just don't know how we are going to make it, but we always find a way. I might start looking for a part time job even though I really don't want to...but in times like this you do what you have to do :( The sad thing is I love what I do, I like my co-workers, and I love our customers...the past 3 years have been really tough and it just don't seem to be getting better. I am the type of person who wants to stick through the tough times, but when I have to stress every day over paying my bills something has to give. I am thankful that I have a job, and that I am not unemployed but this is really straining me physically, mentally and emotionally. Tonight for the first time in 8 years I sent an application out for a position with another company. I filled everything out and got to the point to submit and I cancelled it...I couldn't bring myself to send it! I can't imagine going to another company or doing something different than what I do everyday... After sitting around, cleaning my kitchen (see list above, LOL) I went back to the website and filled out the application again, uploaded my resume and cover letter and made myself send it this time. I am scared! I am not quiet sure if they will consider me as a qualified person since I have never worked in that line of work, but I do have two Associates Degrees that I feel maybe qualify me...we shall see. I just don't know, I think I might be more nervous that I might be qualified and I might hear from them and actually have to make a decision. I love what I do, I love that Mark and I work together and save on gas and things like that....but the way things are I just worry that we have too many eggs in one basket as far as work goes. I have to consider our best interest so I think it's time for me to look and see what else is out there for never hurt to look right? At the end of the day I just want to be able to pay my bills!!! Who can fault me for that?
An update on my sister.... Jayme is less than thrilled about her 3 week training. She said it has been pouring rain there and she has physical test outside tomorrow. Apparently even if it's raining they still have to do them. Poor thing, I hope the rain is gone by tomorrow! I know it's probably lonely being there with nothing to do and not seeing many people she knows. She is really stressed about passing everything because she really loves her new job. I have my fingers crossed for her and I know that she can do anything she puts her mind to....Love you little Sis, you will make it through :)
I hope everyone is having a great week. Count your blessings even when they seem slim! Eventually things will work out for the best and life will somehow find a way to guide you in the right direction.
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